Tag: new

The annual Testaccio festa patronale sees the neighbourhood's patron saint, Santa Maria Liberatrice, celebrated with a parade and party.

New to Testaccina? Start Here.

The Testaccina project was born  in March 2013, when I broke a bone in my foot and couldn’t walk for a month. I had already been living in Rome, Italy for about ten years at that time, working as a business journalist. My job involved editing an international investment journal about real estate projects all…

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The 15 best vintage stores in Rome

Best vintage stores in Rome – why buy vintage? Ten years ago, acquiring great vintage pieces in Rome was expensive and time consuming. There were a few premium resellers, but – well – to put it bluntly – they wanted a lot of money for their old stuff. But as vintage appreciation has increased in…

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A review of Eating Italy Food Tours' Florence tour The Other Side of Florence - a walking tour with food tastings around Florence.

(VIDEO) Review: Eating Italy Food Tours’ The Other Side of Florence Tour

Review: Eating Italy Food Tours’ Florence food Tour Florence is the perfect foil when you’re tired of Rome. Where the Eternal City has ancient ruins, Firenze boasts Renaissance art and architecture. While Roman cuisine is entrenched in working-class traditions of make-do and season cheap cuts, Florence – while also boasting an extensive cucina povera –…

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